Brush Clearing

Here to Assist You With Anything From Dense Overgrowth Removal to Brush Clearing Slopes

We Are the Brush Clearing Experts for Both Residential and Commercial Properties in Metro-East and St. Clair County Region

Brush mulching is the most effective method for removing small trees and underbrush, leaving mulched material and providing a natural barrier that will assist in preventing the regrowth of invasive species to help your mature canopy thrive.

Without any management of undergrowth on your property, it is likely to encounter several of Illinois common noxious species including but not limited to Poison Ivy, Bush Honeysuckle, Autumn/Russian Olive, Buckthorn, Burning Bush, Osage Orange, Locust, Multi Flora Rose.

In the situation where a mulcher cannot be used, we have alternative options such as: disc mulchers, gas trimmers, pole saws, chainsaws, grapples, and sprayers to selectively cut and process vegetation effectively.

While vegetation management isn't permanent, we suggest bi annual maintenance services to keep unwanted growth to a minimum. Call (618) 402-9907 for more information.

The Reliable Choice

Roots Tree, Stump, and Land advises the best practices adhering to the industry standards for vegetation management set by the USDA using the latest commercial grade compact brush cutters and all terrain turf friendly equipment for 36in gate accessibility.

Roots Tree, Stump, and Land accessibility prides itself on being environmentally conscious and are state certified applicators only using chemicals when absolutely necessary to improve results.

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